Determine your magical places

with Astrokartography

Experience how astrokartography can help you find your ideal places and enrich your life journey. Our personal consultations, reports, and workshops offer you the opportunity to explore the magical world of astrokartography and achieve your personal goals with cosmic support.

Whether for a trip or a move, use astrokartography to discover where your stars shine the brightest and where your soul’s home awaits.

The place we are in undoubtedly influences how we feel and even whether we are successful in certain areas of life or not…

WHERE IS this place, WHERE …

… I can optimally advance my career and build wealth for myself?

… I will be most successful?

… my relationships can flourish, and I might even meet my dream partner?

… I feel at home immediately, as if I have finally arrived?

… I can grow the most spiritually?

With our astrokartography services, you will discover which places best match your life and energy.

Find out where in the world the stars are best aligned for you and your aspirations and where you can live your true purpose.

Book your astrocartography reading now and...


personal and individually tailored to your birth chart.

START YOUR Astrokartography Journey NOW


Learn how to decode the influences of astrocartography. Join the waiting list.


Your personalized astrocartography report – individually tailored to your birth chart.


For a deep understanding of cosmic influences and the places in the world that best suit you.

Astrocartography Reading by Ramona Beyer

Hello! My name is


“I need to get out of here,” shot through my mind. I didn’t know where to, but the clarity that I wasn’t in the right place at that moment penetrated my consciousness with such intensity that I could no longer ignore it.

The feeling of being in the wrong place can be overwhelming. I understand you. I’ve been there. I’ve felt that deep longing to find a place where I not only truly belong but where my endeavors are also cosmically favored, a feeling that has accompanied me for years.

For a long period in my life, I felt totally lost and yearned for a place I could call home. Somewhere, it had to exist…

Then astrokartography came into my life, and I knew immediately: this is the key. Astrokartography has personally helped me a lot and has positively changed my life, especially regarding travel and my personal growth in many ways.

People who come to me feel just as lost, even alienated. Some are simply curious. They all share one thing: stories of how astrokartography has filled their lives with magic and wonders.

I look forward to accompanying you on your journey in search of a place that is not just a home but a place where your soul can truly flourish.

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Shared Love

Ramona has designed the astrocartography reading with so much love, I literally inhaled it. It is written super understandable and I had some "wow" moments. Especially Rooting Down resonated with me so much that I would love to travel to these places. I can recommend it to anyone who is curious about their places and would like to try something new. Thank you so much Ramona!
Thank you so much, Ramona. This is really interesting. India has definitely always been on my wish list... And you are a gem, thank you so much for your bonus 😍😍
The astrocartography reading is incredibly fascinating. The places mentioned in it hold significant meaning for me, and I have unconsciously visited some of them multiple times, where developments indeed occurred. Thank you for introducing this new tool and raising my awareness of it.
Dear Ramona, That was very well explained and makes it much more tangible for me, thank you! It's incredibly exciting to see what all is possible.
The astrocartography consultation has enriched my life in ways I never thought possible. Through the insightful guidance and loving direction, I have not only found my soul’s place but also discovered a deeper connection to myself. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking clarity and inner harmony.


Depending on which reading you choose, you will receive a personalized PDF with detailed insights and descriptions on the desired topic or life area. For each area of life you will receive about three locations with a detailed analysis of each location.
Please fill out the form after the purchase. Here I ask for your birth data (place, time, date). After that I can start with the analysis and the reading of your astrocartography chart. You will receive the reading within 72 hours.
Depending on the order situation it can take up to 72 hours before you receive your reading, because I have to evaluate your birth chart and the astrological chart for you. Should it come to longer waiting times, you will of course be informed.

You can choose to have your reading on any of the following topics….

  • 1. career & wealth
  • 2. love & relationships
  • 3. rooting down / soul home
  • 4. spiritual growth

Or you can treat yourself directly to the full load, the Full Relocation Reading and get in addition to the above:
BONUS 1: The biggest challenges – places you should rather avoid
BONUS 2: Background on your travel behavior and the reasons why you travel or relocate.

Currently there are only PDF  readings available.

Unfortunately, no. For the reading I need your exact time of birth.

I’m also happy to offer a discounted partner/family reading and see where the best place is for both/all of you.

Unfortunately no. I create the reading for you personally and put a lot of time and energy into it. Therefore, I can not offer a return.

Of course. Again, of course, you need the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.

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Book your astrokartography reading now and discover where in the world you can find the best opportunities for love, career, and happiness.