Astrokartography Travel Reading


Astrokartography Travel Reading | 35 page PDF with the best travel destinations for you.

With astrocartography we can determine which destinations are ideal for you for:

  • Retreat & Relaxation
  • Fun, Adventure & Action
  • Singles, Flirts & Friendships
  • Love & Romance
  • Feeling good and enjoying yourself
  • Spiritual growth

As a bonus you get:

  • Places you should avoid
  • Background on your travel behavior
  • The best time to travel – a short look into the transits for the next 12 months
SKU: Full Reading-1 Categories: ,


This complete travel reading contains your personal places worth traveling to:

  • 1. places to retreat & relax
  • 2. places for fun, adventure & action
  • 3. places for flirtation & friendship
  • 4. places for love & romance
  • 5. feel-good places/places to enjoy yourself
  • 6. places for your spiritual growth
  • BONUS: Places you should avoid
  • BONUS: Background on your travel behavior
  • BONUS: The best time to travel – a quick look at your transits for the next 12 months

You`ll get:

🌟 An about 35-page personalized PDF with detailed insights and descriptions
🌟 About three places per vacation destination with a detailed analysis of each place
🌟 Places where it can be very challenging for you
🌟 Some background information about your travel behavior and the reasons
🌟 An individual analysis of your personal astrocartography – map in connection with your natal chart to determine the best destinations to travel to
🌟 The reading will be send to you via email within approximately 72 hours

I need:

  • Your date of birth
  • Your exact time of birth
  • Your place of birth

(please buy only if these data are available)


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